quarta-feira, outubro 12, 2005

New Ecology

Seing the news latelly it's hard not to be allarmed to all the natural catastrofes that newadays seem to affect almost every part of the world. Some scientist say the climate is changing regularly just as it always did, and that we are coming to a new Ice Age (without Manfred the Manuth no doubt), others say the global warming is coming to affect the world. It seems there is still no scientific evidence as to what is going on, but what most of them agree on, either side of the theory is that the pollution and global warming are afecting the way the climate is changing. Even the Ice Ager's believe the shift in temperatures is afecting the wind pattern, polar ice caps, and temperatures of the ocean, giving rise to Katrina and Rita, for once! It's a bit hard not to see a romantic justice in all this, as the world's biggest polluter (the USA) is being affected by these catastrofes! Even still there seem to be no practical measures to reduce the gas emitions and such, even now when we are coming to the verge of such terrible changes! The USA still do not accept the Kioto treaty and still consume 8 times more energy and resources than an average european, and about 20 times more than a person on an undeveloped country!
We should all look around and try to reduce energy consuption, recycle and be a bit more conscious about the enviroment. I must state I'm not an ecologist, I do not believe in total cuts of emitions, etc. and am not prepared to leave all our modern comodities, but I do believe we all could do a little better!

In these times I always recal Edward "Buzz" Aldrin's words when coming back from the Apollo 11's mithical journey: "We traveled so far to the Moon, and the greatest treasure we found was the place where we came from: the Earth!".

Maybe a trip to outher space is all we need too.